CIG Industry 4.0 Value Chain

  • Lean and Quality
  • Industry Information
  • Automation + Artificial
  • Facility for Intelligent
  • Industry 4.0
  • Product Field


CIG's advanced manufacturing center leverages industrial automation and information technologies to achieve operation efficiency and quality control. We continually increase the number of automated assembly lines in our manufacturing center to improve our production efficiencies and quality.

Mission: Quality,
Innovation and Customer Satisfaction

  • Best-In-class quality
  • Outstanding delivery performance with a high degree of flexibility
  • Maintaining technology advancements and innovations

Teams Driving CIG's Manufacturing Excellence

  • Automation Technology Team: Responsible for manufacturing technology advancement and production technical support.
  • Information Technology Team: Conducts R&D for manufacturing information technologies, production data analysis, and production information system support.
  • Operation Team: Designs and implements lean processes and is responsible for the factory's daily operation, delivery, and quality control.
  • Quality Control Team: Ensures quality systems are implemented throughout the entire manufacturing operation and process.


The teams work seamlessly to ensure CIG's state-of-the-art Manufacturing Center follows best-in-class processes with the highest degree of information availability to guarantee product quality and delivery.


CIG's New Manufacturing

  • Located in Jiashan, China(to be completed in 2025)
  • Intelligent factory size: 511,286 square feet 
  • Integrated warehouse size: 204,512 square feet 
  • Production capacity: 3M+ units per month